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Nagrada Ljubici Jocić Knežević u Faenzi

International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic
26 May - 22 September
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Opening Saturday 25 May, at 17:00

On 15th April 2013 the Jury meet to select the awarded works among about one hundred finalists, coming from all over the world. All the works represent the contemporary languages and face the subjects of nowadays themes.
The Faenza Prize for the Section “over 40” has been awarded to the Finnish artist  Paivi Rintaniemi with the work Avis (2012 ) for the following reason: “The purity of the work Avis,  an excellent result between essentiality and refinement, focuses the deepness and maturity of the research of the Finnish artist.
She found inspiration in the primordial shape of the vessel and found an effective synthesis between fragility and strength, between formal and informal”The Faenza Prize for the section “under 40” has been awarded to the Italian Nero/Alessandro Neretti with the work The new Apostles that is economical and structural  landscapes (2012) for the following reason: “the work is fully contemporary in the shape
and poetic. The artist’s skillfulness to combine different material, together with his aptitude to face nowadays social subjects, offer several and new possibilities to understand the work. It is characterized by the cohabitation of different languages and artistic experiences, underlying the maturity of the artist”.
The two Prizes Faenza are supported by the Fondazione del Monte e Cassa di Risparmio di Faenza.
The CERSAIE Prize, supported by Edi.Cer.Spa in Sassuolo has been awarded to the Serbian artist Ljubica Jocic-Knezevic with the work Analysis and implementation of the global game plan (2012) for the following reason: “the industrial shape of the tile is originally reinterpreted through new and curious artist’s actions that make the work extremely refined. The work is a good result of combination between art and design and it is remarkable for the shapely and expressive elegance that the artist achieved using a borderline artistic material”.
The Jury awarded several acknowledgements: Monica Biserni Prize to the Italian Mattia Vernocchi with Alveare (2012), the Consiglio Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna Prize to Graciela Olio from Argentina for the work Proyecto Sur, Serie Home.
Barrio 124 (2012), the Prize In memory of  Eleuterio Ignazi, devoted to a young artist to the Italian  Chiara Camoni for the work Sul perché in natura tutto avvolge a sinistra (2012), the Rotary Club  Faenza medal to Liv Brita Malnes, from Norway for the work InVertebRate – LEGO (2011-2012), the Lions Club Faenza Host Prize to
Paolo Polloniato, from Italy for the work  Santilva (2012), the D’A review Prize to Zhao PingPing, from Cina for the work Dancing in the wind, (2012) and the special Honor mention supported by the Province of Ravenna to Chung Shing, from Taiwan for the work The wall.

22.10.2024 - 13:41