“Croatian Ceramics in Ireland” IAC 2014 DUBLIN features the work of 15 artists currently living and working in Croatia. While the exhibitors in this show range greatly in age, they have all achieved success, as sculptural ceramic artists, both in Croatia and internationally. This exhibition displays a myriad of approaches from the fine and delicate qualities of Ivančica Vončina’s work to the powerful ceramic sculpture of Dora Pezić Mijatović. It also includes work by Ida Blažičko who is the youngest exhibitor in this show. Ida Blažičko has already achieved success in the Far East and her work offers an interpretation of the essence of the Orient. Its’ peacefulness contrasts wonderfully with the boldly expressive sculptures of Svjetlana Plazonić Driženko. “Croatian Ceramics in Ireland” has been organized by Blaženka Šoić Štebih, Croatian member of IAC and President of the Croatian Ceramic Association, “KERAMEIKON”, whose objective is to increase international links with ceramic artists worldwide. This is the first time the group has exhibited in Ireland and their presence at IAC2014 Dublin provides a wonderful opportunity to bring Croatian Ceramics, and indeed Croatian Culture, to a wider audience.
Marina Bagarić, PhD, write in catalog
I would like to begin my brief comments about the appearance of a group of Croatian ceramists in Dublin by stating a few facts. The most important one is that the age difference between the eldest and youngest participant in the exhibition is more than half a century. Looking at the works themselves, it is impossible to notice a difference between creative eras. And the signatures on these works bring a real surprise: the ceramics of the doyen are youthfully exuberant, while the works of the young artists are distinguished by their maturity. This current picture of the Croatian ceramics scene is extremely encouraging – it guarantees continuity. The next important observation relates to the multiplicity of approaches to the media of ceramics: the imaginations of the authors and their passion for experimentation have resulted in completely original works. However, their common denominator can be found in the pronounced sculptural qualities of the works and especially in the sensibility for texture. Višnja Markovinović, a ceramist, painter, and the oldest participant in the Croatian contingent, has especially produced for this occasion a ceramic sculpture inspired by the colours of Ireland. In her work Ivančica Vončina has cleverly likened the fineness of clay to the fineness of silk and lace. Dora Pezić Mijatović presents with a powerful ceramic sculpture Modri puž (Sea Slug) from her "sea" cycle Le Monde du Silence. In a semantic sense, this "maritime" or "Mediterranean" group can also include the works of Nadica Eichhorn and Renata Vranyczany Azinović. Pure lines and forms set in an elaborate composition are the hallmarks of the ceramics of Marina Tudjina Badurina and Bojana Švertasek, and the artists also identify their praiseworthy successors, the young Dijana Rajković, Đurđica Horvat, Sanja Stani and Danijela Pičuljan, who combine ceramics with other materials – glass, metal, and wool. The products of these fusions are diametrically opposed: while Đ. Horvat's Prihvaćanje exudes a raw energy, Listanje by D. Pičuljan is a picture of lyrical finesse. Ida Blažičko, the youngest participant, with her gentle, measured signature, has already found success as a sculptor in the Far East. For this appearance in the European West, she is offering her interpretation of the essence of the Orient. The peacefulness of her work is a contrast to the anxiously expressive sculptures of Mladen Ivančić, Svjetlana Plazonić Driženko and Snježana Pokos Vujec.
Photo: Dora Pezić Mijatović, Sea Slug